Logo & Businesscards


Redesign of the logo and creating new businesscards.


Businesscards & Letterhead

menschmark: employer branding neu gedacht

Designing a logo for menschmark gmbh & co kg, a very people oriented approach to Employer Branding, hence the picture on the business card.


Businesscards & Announcement Card

andrea kohler, heilpraktikerin, Osteopathie

Redesign of the logo, creating new businesscards and an announcement card for the new practice space.



Yoga / Pilates Studio

Development of a CI for Anna Maria Kormali, pilates and yoga teacher in Goa, India and Mykonos, Greece.


milla hamburg

We dont produce consumer goods, we put the dream of an exceptional piece into place.

Developing and creating the brand milla hamburg (logo, businesscards, letterhead, Roll-Up for trade shows).


nohealani boutique

Creating a logo, businesscards, ads for a magazin and a Facebook page.


Uwe Samel


Developing a CI (creating logo, businesscards and envelopes) and taking the pictures we used for all of it.



Developing letterhead, businesscards, stickers.